October 14, 2019
Dear PRAM Central Colleagues:
As you consider your budget for 2020, I want to inform you about an upcoming fee increase and opportunity regarding the PRAM Central monthly luncheon programs.
Despite rising costs, PRAM Central has kept the price for our monthly luncheon program the same for the past decade. Though members pay $16 for the meetings, the actual cost for our chapter is more than $25 per attendee. What’s more, most professional organizations that hold meetings at the Capital Club charge attendees $20-$25 for their meetings.
To remain fiscally sound in 2020 and beyond, PRAM Central will increase the luncheon program fee to $20 for members and $25 for non-members. This change will help bring the price of the luncheon closer to the actual cost. The fee increase will also help our chapter offset the cost of our state PRAM dues, which will rise $10 per professional member in 2020. Though state dues are increasing, we will keep our chapter dues the same at $75 for individual members and $60 for each additional corporate member.
We have developed a new pre-paid opportunity that offers convenience and a discount to help you manage the luncheon meeting fee increase for 2020. Below is a summary of the new luncheon meeting fee structure that will take effect in January 2020:
$20 for members who RSVP / $25 without an RSVP
$25 for non-members who RSVP / $27 without an RSVP
$180 for members for one year of pre-paid luncheons. This option averages just over $16 per luncheon for 11 meetings. When accounting for the full cost of $20 per luncheon, this option provides members with two free luncheon meetings.
Our new luncheon fee structure will enable PRAM Central to continue to provide you with quality programs that help you to grow in your profession, increase your knowledge and network with other public relations professionals.
Thank you for your understanding and your participation in our chapter. We value all of our PRAM Central colleagues and look forward to taking part in professional growth opportunities with you in 2020!
Jean Cook, APR
PRAM Central 2019 Board of Directors